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GO EC Organizes Kerala's First Grand EV Show And Investors Meet

Kerala startup GO EC Autotech Pvt Limited recently conducted a first of its kind 'Grand EV Show' and investors meet in Kochi. 

Dubbed 'POWERING FUTURE 2023', the event showcased the brand's commitment towards building EV ecosystem and sustainability at large.

GO EC has emerged as a top player in the EV infrastructure space, in two years since inception.  It currently has a widespread network of EV chargers in Kerala.

The GO EC event had on display, all electric cars that are on sale in India- from Tatas to Taycans! Various chargers and related technologies were also showcased.

'POWERING FUTURE 2023' had franchise owners, EV enthusiasts, influencers, and investors as its key attendees. 

A panel board discussion on 'The Future of EVs' was also conducted. Panelists included big names from automotive and media industries. The session was moderated by the GO EC CEO himself.