GO EC To Set Up 1000 EV Chargers Within A Year | Exciting Business Plans Revealed!

The project will be completed within a year…

Kerala startup GO EC Autotech Pvt Limited has made a key announcement about its future business. It will set up 1000 new charging points across India, in the year ahead. The company currently has 103 live chargers in the country, most of which are located at strategic crowd-spots. 70 of these are within Kerala, and 33 are outside of it. The latest in the line is the 60 kW charger that’s just been opened in Kochi, on the premises of Hotel Tribute Royale.

1000 New GO EC Chargers Coming Up!

GO EC is working towards expanding its reach and network across India. The company will deploy a total of 1000 DC charging points in the year ahead. 500 of these would be 30 kW units while the rest would all be of 60 kW capacity.

The company has revealed its plans to maximise its footprint by positioning the chargers strategically. The upcoming chargers would be located at places that would make EV charging convenient and comfortable for customers. These would be set up along highways (state and national highways), capitals, shopping malls, restaurants and other places with high people engagement. The startup also plans to penetrate into Tier 2, Tier 3 and rural markets as well.

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While the proposed chargers would all be DC fast/superfast charging units, AC charging would also be provided alongside, for electric two-wheelers. The chargers would mostly have CCS2 guns, used by most EVs in India, today. Upon completion of this 1-year project, GO EC is expected to rank among EV infra majors in footprint.

Future Products And Business Plans Of GO EC

It could still be a bit too early for revealing key info about GO EC’s future business plans. However, in an exclusive conversation, the leadership has confirmed and/or hinted at a few interesting bits about its future. GO EC aims to attain monopoly in the charging/infra space, and has a clear roadmap to it. The company is working towards attaining self-reliance in power, through its wind farm in Palakkad. The wind farm project could redefine the game for this startup, upon completion, by improving profits, and sustainability of the business…

The company is also investing in the R&D of its own indigenous equipment, tech and components. Another important scoop would be that of it stepping into the electric vehicle space. While it would not initially offer EV models, GO EC has plans of launching EV conversion kits in the future. These would debut in the commercial vehicle space. The plan here seems promising and time-tested as many major EV OEMs of the day, had started off the same way.

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