Simple Energy Cancelling Pre-Bookings And Issuing Refunds !

Electric Vehicles

Simple Energy is apparently cancelling pre-bookings and issuing refunds to Simple One customers...

Simple Energy's first product- Simple One electric scooter debuted as India's longest range electric scooter, and received huge pre-bookings.

Now Simple Energy is said to be cancelling pre-bookings and issuing refunds to customers, by directly contacting them.

The company cites recent fraudulent activities involving forged identities (using the name 'Simple Energy Private Limited.') as the reason for cancellations.  

Simple has now taken note of this, and is issuing refunds, Further, it is also working with law enforcement agencies to investigate the fraud.

It has, however, assured priority deliveries to those who pre-booked the scooter once Simple Energy experience centres are set up.

Some customers are sceptical about this explanation and are concerned about the future of Simple One scooter.

Simple Energy's sales numbers have trickled down to a halt in the last few months. It has only delivered less than 40 scooters to date.

Simple attributes this to a comprehensive pilot program aimed at evaluating real-world scenarios and potential user-related challenges.

The company said in a statement, that it intends to ramp up operations and commence larger-scale scooter deliveries by the end of November or early December.