MG Euniq 7 FCEV On Display At Auto Expo

The vehicle uses third gen fuel cell tech…

The second day of the 2023 Auto Expo has kickstarted with Morris Garages (MG) presenting its Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology to the world. Along with the tech, they’ve also unveiled a production-ready FCEV MPV called the Euniq 7.

As part of MG Drive Ahead, which is all about forward-thinking products and ecosystem partnerships, MG has introduced the newly-developed, third-generation fuel cell technology named the Prome P390. It was first launched internally as the Phoenix Number One Fuel Cell Project back in 2001.

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The Prome P390 features an integrated design and offers high durability, high power density, high reliability, and environmental capability. MG also have a 3D module of the fuel cell technology being showcased at the show.

The MG Euniq 7 is production-spec, high-end, fuel cell MPV that features an 83.5 kWh Fuel Cell and a 70 MPA Hydrogen Storage System. It has a 6.4-kilogram high-pressure hydrogen cylinder, a range of up to 605 kilometres on a single tank, space-grade carbon filters that can withstand temperatures up to 824 degrees, and fast refuelling. The FCEV will also have features like connected car technology and ADAS.

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