COVID-19: Americans Rely On Cars For Safe Commute And Mental Health Breaks, Says Survey

A recent US survey reveals the evolving commuting preferences of the Americans. Read on to find out more…

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed almost every front of our daily routine and the commute is no different. Our commuting preferences have had drastic changes during these times. You and I no longer wish to rely on the subway for our office commute. A recent survey by Researchscape puts more light on the same.

The results are very much interesting. 10% of the total participants do not feel safe in any mode of commute. Around 80 percent of them trust their cars! They are of the opinion that it is best to be in your own car during these times. Also, three of four Americans surveyed have admitted using their cars as mental health escapes during the quarantine.

It is quite amusing to note that despite their differences, the liberals and the conservatives seem united in using their cars for acts of kindness. Both the groups have been involved in delivering the likes of groceries to the needy during the pandemic. Also worth mentioning are the efforts of the Americans in redirecting the money that would have otherwise gone towards gas to small businesses around them so that the local economy remains healthy.

The public transportation system has been struck too badly by the pandemic. The Americans now feel highly apprehensive riding buses, subs, or even rideshares/taxis. The Suburban dwellers seem to be the leeriest about using public transport system, followed by the urban and rural populations. This decision from them seems highly relevant in today’s situation as well.

The pandemic has been busy claiming lives in the United States. Around 129,170 people have so far lost their lives to the pandemic there [June 30 update]. In such critical times, it definitely feels a right act from America to shift to private transportation

The Survey also shows that Americans rely on their cars for mental health breaks during the pandemic. Driving around the neighborhood in one’s own car is still a great idea to kill the quarantine blues. Around 24% percent of the people surveyed prefer taking long drives to clear their heads. 16 percent of the participants admit to having sat in their car outside their house listening to music or audiobooks and in search of mental relief. The survey reports the Americans to even have participated in drive-by celebrations during the pandemic.

Judging by the survey results, the future of transportation seems to be distorted. People seem to be hesitant to return to rideshares or taxis. Just 19% of the net participants confirmed their willingness for the same. Around 39 percent of Americans are reportedly planning to skip international traveling altogether in 2021. Airlines are still feared by many for pandemic concerns.

The survey was conducted online by the market-research consultancy Researchscape on behalf of Fair, America’s leading vehicle subscription provider, and has had 1046 adult participants.

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