TVS Motorcycles Announces An Extension Of Warranty Support.

This move from TVS Motorcycles comes in the backdrop of the evolving COVID 19 pandemic

Be delighted with this empathetic approach from TVS towards its beloved customers. The TVS management responds to the present uncertain times of Covid-19 by offering extended service support for its customers. The company announced the following in a recent media statement.

  • Free service of vehicles due between March and April 2020, which was redeemable till June 2020, is now extended to July 31, 2020
  • For vehicles where warranty is expiring between March 1 and April 30, 2020, which was redeemable till June 2020, is now extended to July 31, 2020

This move of extending service support through the TVS authorized service centers in India will be beneficial for the customers and is highly commendable. The management also grows concerned and urges all of its customers to follow all the COVID 19 norms and maintain social distancing at all times.


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