Dassault Systèmes and Geico Taikisha, through a healthy collaboration, are planning to take the entire automotive painting industry by storm. Here’s how…
Dassault Systemes and Geico Taikisha, two big names in the manufacturing and paint job arenas respectively, are heading for a massive collab. Dassault Systèmes is known for its superior manufacturing expertise and Geico Taikisha for proficiency in the paint job sector. Both combined, are heading to set up what they call the “Smart Paintshop,” which would greatly help manufacturers cater to the rising call for vehicle customization from their customers.

Geico Taikisha envisions the ‘Smart Paintshop’ as the body paint shop for the future, that would integrate smart, connected and strategic solutions to improve the efficiency, safety, quality and costs of future mobility solution paint jobs. These facilities will have Dassault Systèmes’ DELMIA applications as the manufacturing execution system within. Thus, by using big data and Internet of Things (IOT) technologies effectively, the smart paint shops would enable the industry to adapt to the rising calls for customization and made-to-order products from among the customers, while still keeping the costs in check and quality top-notch.