CEAT India Awarded The Deming Grand Prize 2023

An inspirational achievement …

India’s leading tyre manufacturer, CEAT Ltd., has made history by becoming the first tyre brand in the world to win Deming Grand Prize in 2023. This rare distinction is awarded to organizations that have achieved the Deming Prize and have continued to sustain and elevate their Total Quality Management (TQM) practices for more than three years.

CEAT has been on the TQM journey for over fifteen years, and in 2017, it became the first tyre company outside of Japan to win the Deming Prize. The Deming Grand Prize is one of the most prestigious quality awards in the world, and CEAT is one of only 33 companies worldwide to have ever won it.

CEAT India’s TQM Initiatives

Qualifying it for the Deming Grand Prize, CEAT has been demonstrating its commitment to customer-centricity, systematic working practices, and people development. The company has implemented a number of innovative TQM initiatives, including:

  • A customer satisfaction index that tracks customer feedback and drives continuous improvement.
  • A systematic approach to problem-solving that empowers employees to identify and solve issues quickly and effectively.
  • A focus on developing and training employees to achieve their full potential.

These have fetched impressive results as well. CEAT has reduced its customer complaints by over 50%, improved its on-time delivery performance by 20%, and cut manufacturing costs by 10%. It has also been recognized as one of the most ethical companies in the country.

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CEAT’s win of the Deming Grand Prize is a significant achievement for the tyre industry and for India as a whole. It demonstrates that Indian companies can compete with global giants when it comes to quality and innovation.

Implications for the Tyre Industry

CEAT’s win is a wake-up call for the tyre industry. Its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. CEAT’s example would inspire other tyre manufacturers to invest in TQM and develop a culture of continuous improvement. A stronger focus will be placed on ensuring sustainable and ethical supply chains as well.

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